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Beyond The Bowl - Dog

Most popular family dogs of 2022
JANUARY 1, 2022

The Best Family Dog Breeds

Choosing a dog for your family is a very exciting time but before running out and buying your next puppy for its cute appeal, it’s a good idea to think carefully about how your new puppy will fit i...

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OCTOBER 10, 2021


Coming home to a happy dog with his tail wagging is the highlight of my day, and for my dog I'm sure it's his favourite time of the day too. Our dogs rely on their humans to care for them andΒ nouri...

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Senior Dogs | Common ailments, prevention and caring for your aging dog!
OCTOBER 10, 2021

Senior Dogs | Common ailments, prevention and caring for your aging dog!

I think one of the hardest things about dog ownership, is watching your best friend start to slow down. No longer is he jumping on the bed with delight or eagerly climbing into the car for a trip t...

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Frontier Pets survives Covid with award winning dog food!

Frontier Pets survives Covid with award winning dog food!

It’s been a big year for the team here at Frontier HQ! Off the back of Covid19, there has been a dramatic change in the shopping habits of Australian residents as more and more people turn to onlin...

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Why free-range eggs are healthier than caged.

Why free-range eggs are healthier than caged.

The next time you crack an egg, take a look at the egg white.Β  Is it runny?Β  Or is it quite firm?Β  If it’s really runny – almost the same consistency as water - then chances are it’s a cage egg.Β  T...

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How is the pet food industry regulated in Australia?
AUGUST 8, 2021

How is the pet food industry regulated in Australia?

Here in Australia, the multi billion dollar pet food industry is self regulated, in other words, there is no governing body overseeing the activities of pet food manufacturers. Leaving the health o...

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Entertain your dog with Crumble!
AUGUST 8, 2021

Entertain your dog with Crumble!

Due to the heavy hands of our postal service, sometimes you will find some crumble at the bottom of your dog food bag. Make sure you don't through this out, it is exactly the same food as the pelle...

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best dog food, puppy food, organic dog food, australian made pet food, free range pet food
AUGUST 8, 2021

Does dog food effect behaviour?

Good dog food isn't just about good physical health for your dog. The right diet can also improve your dogs behavour. We ask a lot of our dogs - we want them to listen and obey commands, entertain ...

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JUNE 6, 2021


Understanding, preventing and treating Kidney Disease in dogs!Β  The best way we can help our dogs to stay healthy is to understand some of the common health problems associated.Β 

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Does your dog have Pancreatitis?
MAY 5, 2019

Does your dog have Pancreatitis?

One of the most common ailments affecting our pets these days is Pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. This is a problem because the digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas...

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Diet Tips to improve your dogs mood
APRIL 4, 2019

Diet Tips to improve your dogs mood

Diet tips to improve your dog’s mood.Β  If your dog is cranky, old (and probably cranky) or just looks like it’s fed up with its lot in life, then taking a look at their diet may be a good idea. U...

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Five Reasons to leave your dog with a pet sitter
APRIL 4, 2019

Five Reasons to leave your dog with a pet sitter

Having a dog is such a gift. Really, is there a better feeling in the world than being welcomed home at the end of the day by the wiggles, hops, happy whines, and endless slobber of your adorable f...

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Is your dog constantly scratching?
MARCH 3, 2019

Is your dog constantly scratching?

Β  If your dog has itchy or smelly skin then they could have skin problems. Skin issues range from mild and occasional through to intermittent hot spots and chronic on going, constant irritation. No...

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Does your dog have runny poo?
FEBRUARY 2, 2019

Does your dog have runny poo?

If your dog has runny poo, bad breath and can clear a room in 32 seconds with its emissions, then you could have a dog with digestion problems. Digestion issues are becoming more and more common.Β  ...

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Kibble does not clean your dog’s teeth
NOVEMBER 11, 2018

Kibble does not clean your dog’s teeth

It’s time we addressed this. Just about every day we get an email or a call or a social media post saying… β€œHow can I keep my dog’s teeth clean if they don’t eat kibble?” There seems to be a belief...

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How is Kibble (Dry Food) Made?
JUNE 6, 2018

How is Kibble (Dry Food) Made?

How is Kibble (Dry Food) Made? The increase of pet deaths leading to pet food recalls, both here and overseas, has prompted conscious pet owners to take a closer look at their dog’s food. As righ...

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Raw chicken and APN in dogs: what are the risks?
FEBRUARY 2, 2018

Raw chicken and APN in dogs: what are the risks?

We have received many enquiries from our customers recently following up some research from Melbourne University regarding potential risks of feeding raw chicken to dogs. Feeding raw chicken has ...

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No - those wobbly bits on your dog are not cute!

No - those wobbly bits on your dog are not cute!

Every day, and I mean, every day... dog owners are asking the question... does my dog look big in their skin? Weight is not necessarily a guide and it can actually be quite inaccurate. Β I have two ...

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Dog with acupuncture needles in it's body
FEBRUARY 2, 2017

Acupuncture for your dog

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a favourite form of holistic medicine. The ancient Chinese have for many thousands of years, recognised an association between the individuals health and the w...

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Sad dog looking at a bag of overturned rubbish
FEBRUARY 2, 2017

Is your dog behaving badly?

Oops I've done it again. And again... What's considered 'bad behaviour' in dogs is more common than you think. These behaviours can include: Being too active Destructive House soiling Aggression A...

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