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 Expert backed dog food by Dr. Katrina Warren & founder Di Scott


It's Di here. When I founded Frontier Pets I did it with the mission to end factory farming. I'm still on that mission, but it's so much bigger than that.

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. From paddock to packaging, and everything in between, we want to do good across the whole system to create real impact.

And we're not alone.

Other people - from all walks of life - want to see change. Who believe that bona-fide ethics should be the guiding principle behind everything that is made.

We've teamed up with some of them. Our expert ambassadors and supporters are proud partners who support our desire to change the world. As pet owners, they also believe that their pets can be part of the solution. I'm delighted to introduce them:

DR. KATHY CORNACK - Frontier Pets Resident Vet

Expert veterinarian & animal nutritionist Dr. Kathy Cornack Our resident holistic vet and animal nutritionist who has meticulously designed our pet food recipes.  Kathy is a veterinarian who is absolutely passionate about natural health for animals and also about supporting the human-animal bond. Dr Cornack's professional qualifications include: BVSc (hons), MANZCVS (Veterinary Behaviour), M.Agr. Sc (Animal Nutrition), Cert. Vet. acupuncture (IVAS). 


DR. KATRINA WARREN - Veterinarian

Frontier Pets Veterinarian & Puppy expert Dr. Katrina Warren

Long time friend of Frontier Pets, the voice of puppy training, breed selection, setting dogs up for success and more.  Dr Katrina is recognised from her many television appearances over the years. A committed supporter of high quality, nutrient dense food for her dog Chill, Dr Katrina has spent many hours with Founder, Diana Scott, to talk about how important it is to offer a raw and natural food to enhance our pets health.



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