End Factory Farming: How Frontier Pets is Leading the Way
Frontier Pets rises from the devastating floods to win the National Small Business Champion for outstanding growth.
Ethical pet food brand on a mission to End Factory Farming, has been announced as finalists in 3 categories at the 23rd annual Australian Small Business Champions Awards.
Diana Scott founded Frontier Pets from her spare room on the Gold Coast in 2017, after becoming frustrated by the lack of free-range pet food options available.
“I knew a raw diet was best for my dogs, but I couldn’t find anything that was pre-prepared, and the process of making my own was too time-consuming,” Scott said.
“I worked with Dr. Kathy Cornack, who is a vet and animal nutritionist with 35 years of experience, to develop the recipe. I wanted the ingredients to come from Aussie farmers, so I visited a heap of free-range and organic farms around Australia for our supply. To add the convenience factor, I found a freeze-drying solution which enables people to feed raw, without any of the hassles” she continued.
Freeze-drying is an innovative solution that extracts water from the frozen ingredients, resulting in a light, dry product, with 100% of the nutritional content retained.
“I chose the freeze-drying process because it means our food retains higher density nutritional value.” Scott said
“When you combine this technology with the human-grade, free range and organic produce we use, it means when you feed your pet Frontier it is as good as hand-making is yourself, just more convenient.” Scott continued.
Frontier Pets hand-selects human-grade free-range pork, beef and chicken in an effort to reverse the impacts of Factory Farming on animal welfare and the planet.
“I want to get animals out of cages. We have 500 million Factory Farmed animals right now in this country. We need alternative products that support regenerative farming practices to reverse the trend. The more value we can add to free-range farming the more profitable and appealing the industry will become.” Scott said.
Frontier Pets has invested over $4 million into the free-range farming and organic produced industries with the goal of increasing this to over $6 million next year.
The business has achieved phenomenal growth since inception having increased revenue since 2017 by 4700%.
“We generated $100,000 in revenue in our first year, and we’re on track to generate $6 million this financial year.” Scott said.
Frontier Pets' success has been built on putting purpose at the heart of the organization and supported by innovation, convenience, and the entrepreneurship of Diana Scott.
It is these founding pillars of achievement that has delivered this announcement of Frontier Pets as National Small Business Champion for Outstanding Growth along with Telstra Business Awards National Finalist in the Progressing Australia category.
“I’m thrilled to have our business assessed by leading businessmen and women, recognizing us for our accelerated growth, commitment to purpose, innovation, convenience and entrepreneurship,” said Scott about the mounting awards the brand has achieved.+
Congratulations Di - we are all so proud of you!